Whatever You Do

Each Monday, I start the day a little earlier than the other week days, finding my intentions for the week. Sometimes they're spurred on by our small group study, but other times God whispers (rather, SHOUTS, but I'm being poetic here) a verse or two to start my heart on the right path for the week.

We were at At Home yesterday (think Home Depot, but with home decor), searching for a rug that will once again be destroyed by the gaggle of dirty beings living under our roof. But our current one is in desperate need of finding its way to the garbage can, so off we went with the three kiddos in tow to a giant store of endless aisles to get lost in. Aisle after aisle was another treasure trove of things to touch. From biggest to smallest, one after the other, each kiddo would touch the same exact {breakable} object. Finally it hit me: "Guys! Every time you touch something, your little brother does the same! No more touching all the things!" Miracle of miracles, as they stopped, the two year old stopped. He was looking to his older siblings for an example, and followed right in suit. They touched, he touched. They stopped, he stopped. More than the other two, as they're less than two years apart, I see our littlest's deepest desires to be bigger, be older, and do ALL things (plus some added acrobatics reserved solely for his talents) his two older siblings do. He looks to their example all day long. A lot of pressure for a 5 and 7 year old, but they mostly handle the responsibility with grace.

...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God - even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. 1 Corinthians 10: 31-33 NIV

Now, this verse is in the context of Saint Paul depicting a believer's freedom, especially as it relates to freedom in eating food (given his Jewish heritage, some foods were considered "clean' vs "unclean"), but there is a larger lesson here. Just as the two year old followed his siblings, I think folks we meet each day, especially those whom we see on a regular basis and know our Christian identity, look to us to see how we act. Maybe not on a conscience level even, but as we proclaim our Christianity living out our daily lives, our job is to hold it dearly and know that others may form opinions on Christianity based solely on our behaviors, actions and reactions. So this week I plan to not just do what is best for me, but to ask God to come along beside me to spur my heart and motivations to intermingle with His, so that my example would be one of Jesus. A lot of pressure when taken out of the context of the Holy Spirit, but when your heart and mind is aligned with the Word of God, He is able to move in you and those around you in ways you could have never dreamed.

Lord, I pray this week to be an example of what it means to live in You and through You. Help me to recognize when my actions and reactions aren't reflective of your love, and to handle my responsibility as a Christian woman with grace and humility. Let my words speak truth, my actions honor You, my heart become more in tune with Your will. You alone are the Most High over all the earth; thank you for being the perfect example for our lives. In your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.