Chancellor Therapy Solutions

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Friday Five: Improve Your Memory

Happy Friday, and welcome back to CTS' Friday Five, where we share 5 tips, tricks, or fun info about your favorite community speechie. This week? Improving your memory!

💬 Write it down! Whether it's on a list, on a calendar, or even in your Notes app, making a visual reminder of your task or appointment will reduce the risk of letting it slip.

💬 You've got a phone in your hand, use it! Set reminders with Siri, or use an app like Craft or @EverNote. Remove all the mental clutter by letting your technology work for you!

💬 Repeat it out loud! In speechie talk, this is called verbal rehearsal, but repeating new information out loud is a great way to give added cues to your brain to say, "Hey! Remember me!"

💬 Keep a routine. Every morning, I do the exact same 5 to-dos. Every. Single. Day. Why? Because it's ingrained in my brain, and if I don't do them, I feel lost! Our brains thrive on recognized predictable patterns. Take advantage of it!

💬 Change things up! Yes. I know I just said to keep a routine 😜 But our incredible brains have something called plasticity, which means they LOVE learning new things. Trying a new game, or craft, or learning a new skills keeps those neural pathways chugging, which is a beautiful way to keep those brains moving and grooving.

How do YOU remember new things? Any tips or tricks to share? We'd love to hear from you! Happy Friday, y'all! Happy Friday, y'all! We’d love to hear about any questions you may have about the services we provide at CTS. Please call us at (540) 693-0322, email at, or click here to contact us.