At His Word
So if you’ve ever been around toddlers, you know they’re basically drunk little humans with no frontal lobes, wielding their power like the little dictators they are. At the Eight Year Old’s basketball game on Saturday, eyes of the crowd were diverted from the game in a display of mental strength and fortitude as the Two Year Old slyly looked behind him, mischievous grin in place, inching his toes toward the boundary line of the basketball court, daring me to make a scene.
“One…” in a low growl, masked behind the smile of my clenched teeth.
Bigger grin.
“Two…” There may have been slight hysteria breaking through the growl.
Toes are mere millimeters away.
He runs back to me, laughing hysterically, fully aware of the power he holds, but jumps into my arms despite the tone of my voice just seconds ago. All have returned to their desired places; knowing parents giggle with understanding nods, with their attention slowly returning back to the game. Ah, the life with toddlers, y’all. Never a dull moment.
In today’s readings, Hebrews 1 starts off reminding us how God has spoken to us in the past (through the prophets), and how that responsibility has now shifted to the Son, “whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe (v2).” Y’all, we now have front row access to God’s Word, through the saving power of our Savior, God’s Son, “who is the very imprint of His being (v3).” This is indeed, very good news!
We head to the Gospel reading, which for today is Mark 1:14-20. John the Baptist has been arrested, and Jesus’ ministry is officially starting in Galilee. Jesus passes by the Sea of Galilee, where Simon and Andrew are casting their nets.
He says to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Then they abandoned their nets and followed him.
Mark 1:17-18
And then, in the very next verses:
He walked along a little farther and saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They too were in a boat mending their nets. Then he called them. So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with the hired men and followed him.
Mark 1:19-20
Can you imagine if these first disciples reacted like my sweet and spicy Two Year Old? I can just hear Jesus, “I’m going to give you until the count of three. One… Two... Thr…!” While the image in my head makes me giggle, their response is a beautiful example of how we should respond to Jesus’ call. He said Come, and they immediately obeyed at His Word.
Come after me…Then they abandoned their nets.
He called them. So they left their father.
There was no hemming and hawing. There was no inching their toes toward disobedience.
But isn’t that just it, friends? We have full access to the One True God’s voice—through His Word, through prayer, through the Holy Spirit—yet when we hear his voice, how often do we balk in hesitation? Disobedience is disbelief, y’all. Disbelief in His grace, in His power, in His mercy, and in His unending provisions beyond what we could ever imagine.
So today I call you, just the once, to seek His voice, hear it, and react upon hearing: without the count to three, without the warning signs, but in the one Word He speaks, I implore you to listen the first time.
For me? We’ve talked about it enough that your ears may start to bleed: it’s the call to write, to share, to embark on a creative journey I’ve no clue as to where it takes me. But the call to write is a beating of a drum, in my heart and in my soul, and I know the call matches closely with His Word: the one beckoning me to sit at peace in His desire for my life. So I sit here and type, His Voice echoing in my mind, sharing the love He desires all of us to experience. Just His Word.
At His one Word we are obedient to his call, basking in His Glory, living in His peace. At His Word, strife and pain cease, not forgotten or erased by the things of this world, but transformed into healing and calm due to the saving grace of His love.
So I challenge you today: What are you hearing, deep in the caverns of your heart? What puts a fire in your belly reminding you of the true desire God has placed within you? What has God asked you to obedience today? Are you willing to say “Yes” without the need of a countdown?
I’m joining hope*writers for 12 days of prompts to kick start my writing in 2019! Follow #HopeWriterLife over on Instagram for more beautiful writers of all types. Join us!