Chancellor Therapy Solutions

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Introducing: The CTS Consultative Model

As cost of living increases, and insurance coverage for allied health services decrease, the clinicians at CTS have been putting our heads together to determine the best way to reach our beloved clients in order to maximize outcomes, and reduce financial stress on families. If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it 100 times: YOU are your child’s expert, and while we will provide you with the latest therapeutic techniques, it really is the relationship with the people they love and see the most that will achieve the greatest gains in speech therapy. 

One to one speech therapy does allow for a more intensive, individualized approach, however it’s the in between that truly allows for growth. This is our model: to give you the tools you need to help your child flourish as the best communicator possible. 

But how do we accomplish this in a wait-list heavy, poor insurance coverage world?

Welcome to the consultative model. Whether you’re on our waitlist, or if weekly or multi-weekly sessions are just not possible due to financial or time constraints, we’d love to meet you where you are and help your child succeed. There are a number of ways to implement this model, because it really is about each family’s needs, but here are ways in which we can incorporate this new model into your family’s life.

  • Weekly parent meetings discussing ongoing expressive, receptive, articulation, voicing, feeding challenges with pre-established goals to determine appropriate suggestions

  • Video review of your child’s speech sound errors

  • Observation of your child’s abilities in their classroom

What the consultative model is not:

  • Individualized treatment sessions

  • Development of a treatment plan

  • Provision of formal assessment results

  • Covered by insurance

If you have any questions about the consultative model, please contact us at or (540) 693-0277